Showing 26 - 50 of 52 Results
Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, with an Index to Previou... by Rusby, Henry Hurd 1855- ISBN: 9781340184155 List Price: $23.95
Manual of Structural Botany; an Introductory Textbook for Students of Science and Pharmacy by Rusby, Henry Hurd 1855- ISBN: 9781340189419 List Price: $24.95
Enumeration of the Plants Collected in Bolivia by Miguel Bang : With Descriptions of New Gen... by Rusby, Henry Hurd, Torrey B... ISBN: 9781340710873 List Price: $26.95
Essentials Of Vegetable Pharmacognosy: A Treatise On Structural Botany by Rusby, Henry Hurd, Henry Hu... ISBN: 9781342670267 List Price: $23.95
Manual of Structural Botany; an Introductory Textbook for Students of Science and Pharmacy by Rusby, Henry Hurd ISBN: 9780530737959 List Price: $14.95
Enumeration of the Plants Collected in Bolivia by Miguel Bang : With Descriptions of New Gen... by Rusby, Henry Hurd, Torrey B... ISBN: 9781377688992 List Price: $16.95
Manual of Structural Botany; an Introductory Textbook for Students of Science and Pharmacy by Rusby, Henry Hurd ISBN: 9781236253835 List Price: $19.99
Essentials of Vegetable Pharmacognosy; a Treatise on Structural Botany by Rusby, Henry Hurd ISBN: 9781236414885 List Price: $19.99
An enumeration of the plants collected in Bolivia Volume 4, no. 3 by Henry Hurd Rusby ISBN: 9781130916430 List Price: $19.99
Botanical Names of the U S Pharmacopoeia by Rusby, Henry Hurd ISBN: 9781166904883 List Price: $12.76
Morphology and Histology of Plants : The Morphology of Plants, Plant Histology (1899) by Rusby, Henry Hurd, Jelliffe... ISBN: 9781167011566 List Price: $27.16
Botanical Names of the U S Pharmacopoeia by Rusby, Henry Hurd ISBN: 9781162172743 List Price: $30.95
Guide to the Economic Museum of the New York Botanical Garden by Rusby, Henry Hurd 1855-1940 ISBN: 9781015151130 List Price: $19.95
Enumeration of the Plants Collected in Bolivia by Miguel Bang : With Descriptions of New Gen... by Rusby, Henry Hurd 1855-1940 ISBN: 9781015269385 List Price: $14.95
Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, with an Index to Previou... by Rusby, Henry Hurd 1855- ISBN: 9781376920109 List Price: $13.95
Guide to the Economic Museum of the New York Botanical Garden by Rusby, Henry Hurd 1855-1940 ISBN: 9781013863387
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